Reptiloids Information (2025)

1. Behind the Belief: Lizard People | The Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs

  • 12 feb 2019 · According to the lizard people theory, bloodthirsty reptilian aliens first arrived on earth in ancient times.

  • February 12, 2019 at 9:16pm by klunder.2

2. Like QAnon's Capitol rioters, the Nashville bomber's lizard people ...

  • 12 jan 2021 · The notion of shape-shifting, blood-sucking reptilian humanoids invading Earth to control the human race sounds like a cheesy sci-fi plot.

  • Bonkers? Sure. Harmless? Definitely not.

3. Reptile | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, & Facts - Britannica

4. “They are Among us”. Mimicry and Disappearance Against Reptilians ...

  • Local experiences in Mexico support that the reptilians are among us. Reptilians, humanoid and reptilian-looking aliens that inhabit Mexico and Earth, pose as ...

  • Journal

5. Conspiracy craze: why 12 million Americans believe alien lizards rule ...

  • 7 apr 2016 · ... reptilians in the constellation Draco. Photograph: Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar ... “If everyone was rational, the information would moderate ...

  • Psychologists are trying to determine why otherwise rational individuals can make the leap from “prudent paranoia” to illogical conspiracy theories


  • Help maintain this resource. Anything helps us to add information. This database is maintained by Peter Uetz (HTML pages + content) and Jirí Hošek (search ...

7. The Lizard People. | Library of Congress

  • ... Description from creator, Joseph Galbo ... - Transcription of text from image: "When you're trying to hack the Gibson to keep the lizard people ...

  • "This graphic attempted to play off the "buddy movie" trope of two people working together to accomplish an unbelievable mission. However, it didn't really work and ultimately came across as trying too hard. This is one of the least successful CPSC safety meme graphics and was only run a few times in 2018."--Description from creator, Joseph Galbo.

8. Genetic manipulation of reptilian embryos: toward an understanding ...

  • 2 feb 2015 · ... reptilian cortex are valuable to explore the origin of the neocortex. ... Genomic information of the Anolis lizard revealed unique ...

  • The mammalian neocortex is a remarkable structure that is characterized by tangential surface expansion and six-layered lamination. However, how the mammalian neocortex emerged during evolution remains elusive. Because all modern reptiles have a ...

9. Lizard People in the Library | PIL Provocation Series

  • 3 feb 2021 · Lizard People in the Library. As “research it yourself” becomes a rallying cry for promoters of outlandish conspiracy theories with real-world ...

  • As “research it yourself” becomes a rallying cry for promoters of outlandish conspiracy theories with real-world consequences, educators need to think hard about what’s missing from their information literacy efforts.

Reptiloids Information (2025)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.